Programmazione Python
Modulo pygame per python v3.8.0
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2020-03-25 10:40:20 - Modulo pygame per python v3.8.0
Messaggio annotato da
Daniele aka Palmux
Questa discussione è stata spostata dalla categoria Annunci. Sono alla ricerca del file in oggetto poiché in questi giorni il sito è irraggiungibile. Sarei molto grato se qualcuno volesse inviarmelo per email a:
Grazie Giuseppe Tosi |
Scritto da foster_321 ![]() |
2020-03-25 14:23:49 - Re: Modulo pygame per python v3.8.0
Hi Giuseppe,
Greetings! In terms of python versions, I had worked on the pygame module with the stable versions like python3.6 and python3.7. I have to build some small video games along with that added multimedia sort of things in the existing application with the help of the pygame. So as you mentioned that the python 3.8 version, right now the compatibility with this version is very less so what I am assuming that you have an existing system and you want to upgrade it to the python 3.8 or you need to create it from the scratch with the compatible version. Please let me know your complete requirement. Please let me know the time best suites you for a quick discussion over the Skype call. In the meantime, you should have any further questions or concerns, please me know. Looking forward to your response. Warm Regards Norman F. Skype ID: live: norman_2445 |
Scritto da giusto ![]() |
2020-03-25 18:24:46 - Re: Modulo pygame per python v3.8.0
Hi Norman, welcome!
A few weeks ago I decided to study another PC language and I began to study python. I need pygame module to continue my course so I'm searching for pygame library ( probably v20.0.2) to import under my python version 3.8.0. for Windows 8.1 Professional (AMD 64) site is now unavailable from italy so I'm not able to download the file. I looking for someone who has already dowloaded this file and is so gentle to mail it to my email address. Do you know someone? Have a nice life Giuseppe Tosi --- Ultima modifica di giusto in data 2020-03-25 18:25:18 --- --- Ultima modifica di giusto in data 2020-03-25 18:36:17 --- |
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